Sunday, November 29, 2015


 it was my brothers 5th birthday he picked to go to the aquarium so we went to the aquarium and www saw a gigantic turtle.
 we also saw jellyfish my dad touched them.
 we saw a large tooth saw shark.
 then a great white shark stared at my brother like he wanted to bite him my brother got scared.
lastly we we saw dolphins do tricks.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Around the House

Doesn't it look funny.Happy Halloween!


 Do you like it?

Dad just cleaned his work room.

We bought a new couch.
Someone gave us this. Is in't nice
My brother loves sleeping on the new bunk bed.
This is my desk.
This is my brothers desk.
This is my mom and dads bed.
This is my mom and dads TV.